Do you know what is one thing that is frequently stated by a lot of people and I totally disagree? The way how these people think that life stops at a certain age, most likely when you are old because you are not in good shape to do the things that you would like to do. It is seen as a limitation to your desires. I don’t think that this is true at all. Even when you are old, it doesn’t mean that you have to stop doing the things you like.
Of course, it might seem a little odd for extreme sports or something that requires strong physical conditions, however, you can still find other things to do that make you feel happy. You don’t want to spend the rest of your life sitting on a couch and reading news. That’s why when I see inspiring old people who still go after their passions and live their lives to the fullest, I feel really happy for them.
The main goal of life is to live, not to survive and the best way to live it is doing all the activities that make you feel good. What is the sad part is that the majority of the elderly have lost hope in the way that the fear of death is stronger than their wish of living their lives in the way that they should. I just hope that the new generations won’t end up like that in the future.
The old lady in the video below is the perfect inspiration regarding this topic. Although being 102 years old, it won’t stop her from doing all the things she wants in life. She stopped riding a long time ago but her desire to ride a horse once again was stronger than her fear. This was the highlight of her birthday. The whole thing was organized by her family, considering her passion for horse riding.
It is not the easiest thing to ride a horse when you are 102 years old, however, she goes beyond every expectation and proves all the elderly out there that the passion for living is stronger than anything. Years will pass by, but when I get to the point that I will feel old enough of doing something, I will always come back to the video below. Have a look and get a good dose of inspiration.