Spending a lot of time of horses familiarizes all of us with the idea that horses love to do a lot of things and one of those is definitely to get pampered either by other animals or owners. As much love as they give to you, as much love do they want to get back as they are among the most social animals ever. I remember one hilarious moment of the horse who would not let her owner leave the place and was asking for constant hugs.
Every time the owner would take a step forward, the horse would grad her clothes and bring her back. It was one of the cutest things that I have ever seen. It is one of the best things in the world when your horse shows all that much love and attention towards you.
Not only with horses, but it is the same as every other animal because it simply means that they are really grateful for all the things that you are doing for them and for everything that you are providing to them. It really makes you feel good as well because they are appreciating what you are doing and a lot of times, even humans themselves are not grateful for the things you do for them. Another grateful horse is this boy right here.
His owner is giving him the scratch of his life and you can tell by the way this horse is moving his head that he is having the best time of his life. It is probably a scratch that he will remember until his last day. I mean, there is nothing new about horses loving scratches but I have to say that this horse is a little extra compared to the other horses.
Well, I kinda feel ‘bad’ for the owner cause he will probably spend a lot of time until this horse gets satisfied. I just have to add that he is so beautiful and at the same time very funny. It would be a great horse to go for a ride with. Please have a look at the video below and let us know what you think about him.