Very frequently, we keep saying that there are a lot of amazing horses all around the world with different talents, even with talents that we can’t imagine. As they say, after a good horse is always a good rider and most of the time it seems to be the case. Horses have a lot of potential, however, there should be someone to be able to unlock all this incredible potential that they have.
Horse trainers work really hard to be able to bring the best out of these horses and yet, they do not get a lot of recognition. I am pretty sure that a lot of people don’t even know that a lot of world champion horses have been trained by different trainers other than riders. On the other hand, horses have proven that they can be very good on their own and that they don’t need a rider to showcase their skills, especially while jumping over the obstacles.
One of these horses is the one in the video below. If you’ve ever tried to jump a course on horseback, you know how difficult it can be. Not only are you worrying about counting strides to your fences, but you’re trying to keep the horse supple, communicate where you want to go, remember the next fence, and keep the horse balanced and moving forward.
One mistake and you may find yourself on the ground. Navigating a jumps course is a challenge – unless you’re this horse, apparently. Because this horse is out to prove that he doesn’t need a rider; he knows his job and can get around the course all on his own. Not only does this horse jump around quite stunningly, but he throws in some automatic lead changes for good measure.
Now that is some real raw talent right there. I mean, not a lot of horses can do that but this one seems quite confident about what he is doing and we all love to see it. It is great when horses take such challenges and succeed at them like true champs. Please have a look at the video below and share some love for this horse.