I am pretty sure that you have all seen toddlers being a few days and months old. The first thing going on into our minds is how adorable these babies are and how does it look like to become a parent. Since the moment that they are born, the lives of their parent become better in a heartbeat. It is the same thing for every single animal. Every single parent loves his/her babies and every other thing in life becomes unnecessary compared to their children.
This mum in the video below loves her daughter as well and is very proud of her. Mares have proven themselves to be amazing mothers and there is no doubt about that. If you really want to look at the example of a great mother, you simply need to watch a few of the thousands of videos online where these mares protect their babies at all costs. In the video below, you will be able to see a beautiful moment between a mother and a daughter.
All babies are cute and adorable and this includes also baby horses. As a matter of fact, there are a few things cuter than seeing a foal trying to learn to run with those legs that look like the foal isn’t in control of them. What you are going to watch in the video is a two-day-year old foal who is just trying to figure out how to use those long legs.
You see her at the beginning approaching her mother and then going towards the fence to explore the surrounding but then she decides it’s time to learn to do something more than just walking. The little cutie decides to run to her mother apparently she doesn’t know how to stop and just crashes to her mother and falls down.
Fortunately, she was not hurt stood up immediately to her feet but you will watch how the mother reacts. At the moment of the crash the mother is startled and then she is like “What the heck are you doing?” I am glad that nothing bad happened. Please have a look at the video below and let us know what you think.