Long-time ago, when the means of transportation that we have nowadays didn’t exist, horses were used for transportation. It was probably the most popular transport until the first car was invented because it was the fastest at the same time. Not only in transportation, but in general, the horses’ role in the development of society has been way more important previously than it is nowadays.
Maybe the world would have looked different nowadays if it wasn’t for the domestication of horses thousands of years ago in Asia. However, this domestication is believed to have been abusive towards horses because back then there was a big lack of information regarding how a horse should be treated. Well, different from the past, now there is no lack of information, it is simply a way out of a non-profitable business.
Since economic development is more important than everything, the humanitarian side of us has vanished somehow. Well, let’s leave this out and focus on the post below of a very unique Shetland Pony named Sweets who was traveling through San Francisco on a metro ride. As most of you know, the public transportation of San Francisco is usually very crowded as a lot of people use it and they get to see a lot of things on a daily basis, most of them that are unexpected. You have probably seen a lot of street performers or musicians inside a tram, but I don’t think that you have ever seen as Shetland pony taking a metro ride.
Ironically, hundreds of years ago horses were the main mean of transportation and now, a horse is actually using a mean of transportation. Usually, animals are not allowed to enter a train or a bus and to be honest, I am not familiar with the county’s policies so I can’t tell whether the owner got in trouble or not. Well, one thing is for sure. The people who got to share the same ride with Sweets got to enjoy a different but at the same time a beautiful ride with the pony. If you would like to share this article with your family and friends, feel free to do so.