Every one of us has his/her favorites when it comes to horse breeds because, in a way or another, every single breed has something distinctive that others don’t, however, I believe the Arabian horses are among the most distinctive ones because they have a lot of things that need to be discussed. Firstly, the main distinguishing characteristic is their dark eyes and the black circles around them.
Only by looking at their face you can tell that these horses are Arabian horses. Furthermore, their tails have a unique shape which is also different from any other horse and the last thing, the Arabian horsehair is usually very thin. These are the main distinguishing features, but it does not mean that these are the only ones.
What is worth mentioning is that the Arabian horse has become one of the most favorite horse breeds and a fun fact is that they are among the most expensive breeds because a lot of agreed that the Arabian horses are perfect for both entertaining and competition.
I believe that the horse in the video below is a great representative of the Arabian horse beauty. You will understand why the Arabian horses are listed among the most beautiful horse breeds very frequently by different reviewers. I have to say that they are among my top 5 as well. Please watch the video below and let us know what you think about the Arabian horses.