One of the things that a lot of animal lovers and supporters are trying to prevent day by day is animal use. It is very said to say that we live in a world where animal abuse exists because it comes as an inherited phenomenon over time or as a lack of education on animal treatment.
Despite everything, we are very happy that a lot of people have made radical changes in a lot of animals’ lives and this is another success story that needs to be acknowledged. Let’s get into the story of Hannah Marie: ” I’ve had her 3 months exactly today and I couldn’t be prouder to how far she has come!
She’s come from being a petrified and nervous horse to competing in her first show last weekend and was perfectly behaved and received some lovely comments from everyone there. It just shows that no horse is completely unfixable, even the wildest most frightening ones!
Trust and care are all they ask for and they’ll give you their hearts in return.” This video might not be contemporary, but the message is and I really wish that every single person keeps Hannah’s words in mind. I have nothing but love and respect for both of them.