The underwater world is an amazing world with a lot of wonderful creatures, however, a lot of people throughout history have connected their lives with the underwater worlds hence a lot of objects used by them can be found underwater.
It is also believed that the oceans contain the majority of gold in the world. this diver stumbled across a submerged donkey statue wearing a trilby. While experienced scuba diver Vitaly Bazarov swam in the Red Sea off the coast of Dahab, Egypt, he came across the bizarre sculpture.
Approaching it closer, the veteran of more than 5000 dives sees the body has been colonized by a cavalcade of crustaceans and fish who have made the metal into a makeshift reef. Drifting through the crystal-clear waters in November 2017, Vitaly even finds one fish happily hidden under the donkey’s tail.
As I previously mentioned, a lot of other divers have found great objects or sculptures underwater. In the depth of oceans, especially the Pacific one, there are a lot of sunken boats. A lot of gold hunters nowadays spend their lives in hopes of finding these treasuries. It seems quite an adventure right? Please watch the video below with a very unique statue.