Pregnancy is one of the most painful but at the same time emotional things that a mother has to go through in her life, especially for mammals. I will bring back an interesting fact that I have brought here not a long time ago. (The pregnancy pain is the same pain as a human would have if he/she broke more than 50 bones in the body).
Only thinking about it, it sounds so scary, but please if we have pregnant readers here, focus on the beauty of all of it. Your beautiful child, the most precious thing will then be in front of you. However, here we are going to bring the story of a donkey.
In the clip below, a donkey goes into labor. The mother, undoubtedly in pain, collapses to the ground and pushes with all her might. First, the little donkey’s legs appear and right after, although being very exhausted, the mother donkey pushes one more time and the little baby comes out and immediately goes around the place.
This is one of the most precious moments ever for both of them. Watch the video below and if you think that your friends should watch it as well, make sure to share it with them.