We all know that our horses are capable of doing things that we are incapable of imaging them doing. There is a tendency from us to underestimate our horses. The horse featured in the video that you are going to watch is the pure example of what has been said previously.
It looks like the horse has been paying attention when his owners zipped their clothes in front of him and this time he decides to do the procedure all by himself; at the moment that this horse watches his owner staring in front of him he immediately starts moving her zipper up and down.
The owner couldn’t maintain herself from laughing as hard as she can. This is not the first time that we have been surprised by such actions from horses. We’ve all watched videos of horses opening doors even when the doors were locked or escape from a stall even when it looked impossible to escape.
In another video, the horse moves a rope with his mouth the same way his owner does with his hands. I guess we would never stop being surprised by our horses’ capabilities. We should all get used to the fact that horses are very intelligent, so we can expect the unexpected from them.