How often does your horse need trimming and re-shoeing? This is a question often asked by new owners and not always followed by long time horse owners. The answer is normally every 6 weeks.
On occasion shoeing is needed sooner when the farrier is using corrective shoeing over a period of time to what we call, “getting the foot back to where it is supposed to be, as when it was born.” The horse was not born with heels too low, the hoof out of balance inside and outside, a different degree of angles on each foot, crumbly, dry, splits, cracks, and chunks of hoof torn out and so on.
But these are the problems we see on adult horses and what we are going to watch in this video is how the shoeing process looks like from the farrier’s perspective. He has mounted a camera on his head which show us all the process and as we see it we should all thank the farriers for doing such an amazing work. Watch the video!