When we talk about horse races, the pure logic behind them is ‘the fastest is the winner’. This is absolutely true if you are the fastest one to finish the race it means that you are the winner, however, during the long races, it really difficult to keep your horse at full speed all the time because it will get tired.
So yeah, speed is important but actually, there are more important things than speed as well when we talk about horse races. In the world of endurance horse racing, rider and trainer Pedro Pablo Gomez knows his animals need more than speed to finish a race.
He treats his horses like professional athletes, emphasizing “rest and repair.” Gomez lived for a decade in Jordan, where he learned to understand the lives of the famed Arabian horses. Long hours of training may improve your horse quite a lot, however, when the racing day comes, your horse will be really tired to participate if it doesn’t get enough time to relax.
That’s why Gomez emphasized that the golden middle between practice and rest should be found, otherwise, speed won’t be really helpful for long races. Please watch the video below and learn more about how a horse should be trained.