What is the best motive for a horse to put its brain to work? It’s definitely food and the ones who do not agree, they probably will after they have watched the video below.
The horse owner in the video below could have just fed her horse but she wanted to show everyone how smart her horse is by simply put the horse’s food in an unreachable place and waiting for her horse to be creative and he did. He grabbed his bridle’s rope with his mouth and managed to reach the food, then he pulled the rope back together with his meal.
What an intelligent horse. I was very impressed. As I said, food always makes a horse’s brain works. A lot of trainers motivate their horses to push their limits by simply offering them food. A recent example was a lazy horse who didn’t want to move at all, but as soon as his owner put a carrot in front of his face, he started moving.
What about the one who climbed the stairs because its owner was waiting on top of those stairs? I am pretty sure that you have more examples. Please feel free to share them with our community.