Groundwork with horses consists of exercises that you do with your horse while you stay on the ground and lead the horse on a halter, cavesson or neckrope and a long lead rope. Groundwork should be a part of everyone’s training program for horses as it has a lot of benefits.
It develops trust, helps to establish boundaries and it’s something you can do when they can’t be ridden to keep the horse from getting bored. Besides helping the horse stay more relaxed it is also a great way to see what is going on with your horse before you ride. What you are going to watch in this video is a really great groundwork done with the horses. As you watch the video you can only imagine how massively labour intensive is this kind of training and how much effort is put into to set it up as a training ground.
It is such hard work to set up the poles but the results you get from this are just brilliant. It would be lovely if we could get all the measurements for how these are set up so we can do it safely at home. As this is not possible we just have to enjoy the video!