Cara trains at Parish Ridge Stables in Burlington, Ontario Canada but she takes a major unsuspected fall during a show jumping competition at Meadowlarke Stables. Everything was going perfectly fine and Cara was doing a great show for her age, amazing the public and the spectators.
Suddenly, she finds herself on the ground as her pony stops unexpectedly. Maybe she did not have enough rhythm before the jump and she was going too fast, which did not let her and the pony at the same time see the distance of the jump and it tripped causing Cara to fall off. It is so cute watching Cara compete and having such confidence as she rides.
It warms our hearts that she is alright and not hurt or injured. No one is perfect and she is only a young girl. We all start somewhere and we learn through our mistakes. She did a great ride and she will be a great rider in the future! Enjoy the video!