Horses are without a doubt the funniest animals ever! Whenever we want a good laugh, we know we can count on horses to put a smile on our faces. There are thousands of videos posted on the internet who show us, how funny and entertaining horses can be, and even you have seen them before, they still have the ability to make you laugh out loud.
I’m pretty sure that the video posted below is going to put a smile on your face and prove to you once again that horses are simply some of the most playful animals out there. The funny horse in this video is named Milo and as you can see, he really likes to scare birds away.
He probably doesn’t like them or maybe he just wants to play with them. We don’t know that for sure, but we do know that he is a very entertaining horse and it looks like he has turned it in his life mission to run after birds and scare them away. Apparently, birds make a great toy and if you want to see him having a fun time, make sure to put a chicken on his way!
We must say that Milo’s owner should consider herself lucky for having such a bright horse by her side. We all would want to be in her place! Don’t miss watching this funny video, guaranteed to make you laugh out loud. We also really hope that no birds were harmed in the making of this video!