It is certain that every horse person in the world has seen a dressage performance in his/her life, whether it is in person or on the internet. Dressage performances are so amazing. Horses look absolutely stunning and the way that they move around together with their riders is so amazing. It draws you in, you can help it but follow every movement that they make. Another thing that you can expect is a beautiful sound that matches the whole performance.
Everything in a dressage performance is thought perfectly in detail, that is why these performances are so magical and they attract huge audiences from all over the world. On the other hand, there are other dressage performances who are not as perfect, but they tend to entertain the crowds in a different way and believe it or not, but some of them have resulted even more successfully than the classical dressage performances. One of these is this performance that we have here that I must say is totally hilarious.
I can’t help it but laugh every time I watch it. This video will brighten your day, that is for sure. It is so funny, the way these men are doing dressage. It is good to laugh out loud from time to time, and this one we call it “dressage humor.” We’ve all seen horse dressage which is an amazing discipline, maybe that’s the reason why these men tried to do dressage as horses do.
Of course, they are only joking, and for your information, many riders are doing this kind of ride. It is called a dry run, and it’s a great part of every rider’s practice which helps them to remember the pattern. We must admit that they are really good at what they do, don’t you agree?! Maybe we should all try to have some fun. As I said, it might not be as perfect as the dressages that we are used to watching but it is for sure worth it. Let us know what you think after you have watched the video. Enjoy and drop a comment in the comment section!