Summer is over but in Dubai, there is always summer. A lot of people love going to the beach because of the hot weather and we can tell that the horse in the video below enjoys it too.
In general, horses are one of the biggest water lovers and there are a lot of videos on social media that prove my point, however, this one is definitely one of the most beautiful ones. I mean, that pool is a dream for a lot of animals. It can also be a quick way for a proper shower.
River, a 4-year-old Dutch Warmblood moved from Ireland to Dubai on March 15th, 2015. This was her first time swimming .. there is a horse swimming pool at Sharjah Equestrian and Racing club where she and Boo now live! River swims once a week and she seems to love it every single time.
She was a little insecure in this video, but now she is more confident than ever and is always ready to go swimming. Does your horse like to do the same? Let us know in the comment section. Please make sure to share this with your friends so they can enjoy this video as well.