Another delicate topic regarding people in the horse world is a lot of them being uneducated towards the animal or them being vicious. There are a lot of these people in the world and as for the first group, I feel bad when they get an unwanted response by a horse but on the other hand, if we talk about the second group, I don’t feel bad about them at all because it is definitely something that these people deserve for all the worst things that they do.
This topic gets even more complicated when we talk about concrete examples of people who simply don’t take care of animals as they make a living out of it, which is still in my opinion is unacceptable but on the other hand it is something that gives these people enough money for them and their families to survive. However, they need to find alternative ways of creating the condition for proper lives for their family members because this is definitely wrong.
To sum it up, a lot of people don’t take care of animals but barely do these people get any detention in return, which is also sad. Well, this video is positive in the way that all these people get a response by the horses that they are dealing with and I have to say, deserved responses. If there aren’t humans who can teach them valuable lessons, then it is great for a horse to that for them.
Again, I would like to exclude all the children or people who simply wanted to get close to the horses but they did not expect the horses to be protective of themselves. We, as experienced horse people might end up in such situations as well. It is something that does happen frequently, you simply have to understand that horses have bad days as well as all humans.
In the video below, it is easy identifiable which ones are abusers and which ones are uneducated people, that’s why I would like all of you to comment on the ones who really deserved such reaction, not on all of them. Please have a look and let us know what you think!