The art of cutting cattle out of the herd, like bronco riding, is a sport which has grown out of old-time ranch work in the West. Recently, people shave started to appreciate it as a sport and have put it in the arena. It is becoming one of the most popular sports in the country and the crowds are amazed at what the cutting horses can do.
A cutting horse is usually ridden loose-reined and its job is to cut out a calf from the herd and hold it out. The rider is there on the back of the cutting horse and does what is required to do but for Jodie Earl the job looks so easy even without a rider on its back. This cutting horse possesses an innate ability to anticipate or read a cow’s intended moves, an ability commonly referred to as having cow sense or cow smarts.
This well-trained and properly conditioned horse is a true athlete with skills honed to respond instantaneously, matching a cow’s every move, head to head, and contains it. The harder the calf tries to get back to the herd, the more skill, athleticism, and cow sense Jodie Earl shows. Watch Jodie Earl in action!