Liberty competition between Friesians takes an unexpected turn

I think we will all agree that Friesians are the fashion models of the equine world. We can see it very well in the way they look. They all match each other and they are all amazing. I mean, look at their movements. These all 4 horses look and move like models. But the last one really made a sensation when he showed us that he doesn’t need a handler to run next to him, he can do it by himself without causing any trouble.

The basis of Liberty Dressage training is to create a clear and fair relationship between the person and the horse, with the person nevertheless maintaining the dominant position. Consequence and body control are of the utmost importance, as the horses respond to the smallest of signals and changes of posture in the person.

During Liberty training, you work with a horse that is set loose in a big riding arena, like in our video, or even in the grasslands. You don´t hold the horse but you give it the freedom to leave your side when it feels the need to. This enables the horse to not feel any form of pressure or force.

Many horses compete at the highest level of liberty dressage and are not treated cruelly. However, some liberty dressage competitions and training are cruel. Harmful conditions arise through forceful and rapid training methods. But the good part is, training practiced with patience and care is beneficial both for you and your horse. And if done properly, horses shouldn’t hate liberty dressage at all. Unfortunately, however, to some people, dressage means getting the horse’s head down, whether that is by use of draw reins or sawing on the bit. Of course, if a horse is in discomfort during any activity, then he will come to dislike it.

So you have to do it right, so the horse won’t suffer. And once you have mastered the basics such as guiding and galloping around the human, you can proceed to the higher classes. You’ll be surprised how much you can achieve in a short space of time.

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