It’s very rare for a horse to give birth to twins and unfortunately, even when it happens, only one of them can survive. That’s why whenever twins are born healthy, that’s very good news for all horse community. Nicolas Jarvis from UK Horse Sanctuary said that mares actually conceive twins very often, but very rarely both embryos survive.

The possibilities for both of the kids to get out alive are very low because they need the right space during pregnancy time. One of the luckiest mares was Emma, who had the amazing chance to give birth to two healthy twins. This was incredible news not only for their owners but for all horse enthusiasts around.

They were all amazed and proclaimed the news all over the social media. The vets have checked them regularly and say that the mare and both her foals are in great condition. The mare’s owners decided to name the twins Will and Grace and acknowledged them to be a miracle. They are doing all they can to provide them all the right conditions and it’s safe to say that they are taking good care. The first two weeks are considered the most delicate because many complications may happen.

Having twin foals is simply a blessing and we are very happy that they are doing great. Their owners should consider themselves lucky for having the opportunity to own these amazing twin foals. As you can see in the photos, they seem inseparable and are enjoying each other’s company. God bless them!