Over the past few years, dressage has transformed into the most profoundly skilled form of riding and we have been spectators to some incredible dressage performances who really have left us shocked. But over the countless dressage performances that we have seen, we have to admit that none of them is as special as the dressage performance showed in the video below.
That’s because it features a mini horse named Lancelot. It is not every day that you see these kinds of horses don’t perform dressage and that’s what makes him so unique. It’s not a surprise that Lancelot does dressage because he has worked a lot to be able to perform in this discipline.
He’s been instructed to shoulder in, leg-yield, haunches in, half pass, rein back, simple lead change, counter canter, flying lead change, pirouette, piaffe, and passage. We must acknowledge all the amazing work that Lancelot has done along with his trainer and support him, just like the crowd in the video below does.
His trainer, Sabine Ellinger, is very talented and has even published a useful book on training miniature horses named “Mini School” and it explains how she trains Lancelot to do these amazing moves. Lancelot is an excellent entertainer and watching him perform is simply a blessing.
We applaud him for all the effort he has put in this performance and encourage him to continue training because he is very talented. Watch the entire performance in the video below and make sure to share it with your friends!