The Tennessee Walking horse is known all over the world for its excellent gaits and stands among the most preferred horses for all horse riders who want a smooth ride. They have proved their incredible skills on different trails and on the show ring.

Many people assume that this breed was developed only to participate in competitions, but the truth is that it was developed for utility, including different aspects such as pulling, pulling or racing. Not many people know that they were an all-purpose ranch horse on many farms!

They are also known for their stability and gentle temperament, and what’s more interesting is the fact that the Tennessee walking horse is the first breed of horse to have a state name. In the video shown below, you will see a remarkable golden bronze Tennessee walking stallion named Diamond Dak, who is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful horses around.

Anyone who’s had the change to see him in person state that he is breathtakingly gorgeous! His owners should consider themselves lucky for having the chance and pleasure to be around him! It’s such a wonderful view to see a Walking Horse that’s properly taken care of and treated the right way.

We really applaud the owners for keeping this wonderful animal all-natural and weren’t tempted as many horse owners do for the shows. He’s probably one of the most beautifully-colored and marked horses we have ever seen. Don’t miss the chance to watch him in the video posted below and share the video with your other equine friends.