A debate was going on between me and my friend about which of these two animals is most likely to express the feelings easily: a horse or a dog? Although I am one of the biggest horse lovers out there, I have to admit that the dogs are the ones who express their feelings easier than a horse does; horses are more indifferent and would like the other animals or their human friends to do the first step.
I would like you to share your opinion on this one. This video appeared to me at the right moment because it definitely proves my point and you will understand why after you watch it. At first, the adorable little puppy in the video below seemed a little reserved, but then he couldn’t get enough of the horse, who towered over her.
The bulldog kept jumping around and putting her nose to the horse’s face. And the big brown horse didn’t seem to mind at all, as he kept bowing his head to get closer to the pooch. It gets better: watch what the little bulldog does at the 1:30 mark!
The incredible union also drew a smiling crowd and one stranger even started taking photos of this precious moment. Honestly, I would have done the same. Please watch the video below and enjoy!