Rare Filly Takes Her First Steps In The Outside World

When a proud mother gave birth to her little baby, her humans were even more amazed when they first laid eyes on the little filly’s incredible face. While all horses are beautiful no matter what their color pattern may be, this adorable baby came out of her mom with a very rare pattern known as a “Medicine Hat.”

These rare horses have always been seen, by several different cultures over the years, as very special and mysterious animals. Many Native American cultures saw these special horses as magical, with powers that would protect the rider from being injured in battle. These horses were held in very high esteem and were much sought after and still are today.

So when little Coconut first entered this big world, her family knew that they had just gotten a very amazing good luck charm to be the newest member of their family. Due to the excitability of the other horses in this little herd, the humans had the proud mother give birth in a clean and safe stall far away from the big guys.

But after two days of being cooped up inside, this adorable baby finally got the chance to greet the outside world, and when you see the other horses, you’ll see that even they seem to know that this little baby is special! I have to say this is one of the most beautiful babies I have ever seen. Please watch the video below and let us know what you think about it in the comments. And if you really liked it, please make sure to share it with your friends so they can watch it too.

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