A common thing that we get to hear a lot in our everyday life is the fact that when we are getting old, our life will most likely become monotone and we can’t keep doing the same things that we are used to doing in our every day’s life. It implies that our life stops at a certain age and that you should put a limit for yourself since you are at a very young age because you are not going to be physically capable of doing activities that you like.
It is partially true, however, you can always find a way how to do things that you love if you really love them. Regarding horse riding, it is true that it might be a danger to ride at a very old age but on the other hand, if you really enjoy doing it and then you keep regretting every day about the fact that you stopped yourself from doing something that you like is even worse.
That’s why the passionate old lady in the video below is very excited about the opportunity that she got for one last ride. Let’s get into this story better and get to know her a little more as well. For this 87-year old who suffers from Parkinson’s disease, horses have always played an important role in her life, and she was quite an accomplished rider herself, having even competed in professional showjumping.
Her wish? One last horseback ride. Making it possible for an elderly Parkinson’s sufferer to ride a horse is no easy feat, but the people at Hidden Desires were intent on making this woman’s dream a reality. Hidden Desires take great pride in granting wishes for those who don’t see a whole lot of joy in their lives anymore, helping to plan for simple pleasures like taking someone to their hometown for ice-cream or seeing their old sporting team play.
In the end, this amazing initiative brought positive energy for this amazing old lady and now she has no regrets for the rest of her life, which is even greater than living a life out of fear. Please watch the video below and show it to a person who needs a little motivation.