The horses are considered to be very smart animals, but the one in this video is the horse version of Albert Einstein. In the beginning, the owner asks her horse to give the jury a big smile and so he does. Right after, his owner ties a handkerchief on his front leg and he unties it as it was the easiest thing in the world.
The owner did the same thing with the back leg and still, it was as easy as with its front leg. Then what was the real shock is his ability to make calculations. The TV host rolled the dices 3 times and all the three times the horse was asked to solve different mathematical tasks.
He could solve multiplications, add and subtract numbers and let everyone in the audience speechless. When his owner asked him if he could solve the tasks, he moved his head as a sign of approval.
You can tell that there is a lot of practice needed to achieve this level of smartness with your horse. However, even that it might come as a surprise, if we do have a lot of patience, we can be able to unlock the incredible intelligence potential hidden on our horses.